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America's Veterans

A photo documentary depicting American Veterans, the comradery of their peers and the support of their families, friends and neighbors.

A group of Cub Scouts salute as US veterans pass by.

A Girl Scout carries the American flag in a veteran's day parade.

World War II veterans prepare to board a plane for an "Honor Flight".

A veteran carries a pair of boots as part of the "Rolling Thunder" tribute to fallen service members.

Fire fighters line an airport terminal greeting veterans prior to an "Honor Flight".

A group of Boy Scouts salute as they pass local veterans at a parade.

A family waits on a parade route with home made signs honoring our veterans.

A veteran and his grandchildren pay their respects at a ceremony at a veteran's cemetery.

A women spends time along side the grave site of a friend and fallen soldier.

Flags adorn the grave sites of US veterans.

Members of the US Naval Sea Cadets drop a wreath in the water as part of a Pearl Harbor remembrance ceremony. The wreaths serves to recognize those lost at sea during wartime.

Fire fighters and police officers render a salute as the hearse carrying the body of fallen soldier, First Sergeant Peter Mckenna Jr. leaves a military facility.

An honor guard renders a 21 gun salute.

A child who is a member of the US Naval Sea Cadets stands at attention at a ceremony honoring veterans.

A bugler plays Taps at a veterans cemetery.

Veterans line the walkway at the RI veterans cemetery.

US Air Force veteran, Michael Jackson performs Taps on his bagel at the Rhode Island veterans cemetery.

A group of US Naval Sea Cadets bow their heads in prayer at a veterans cemetery.

Volunteers musicians participate in an "Echo Taps" ceremony.

An airman shows a high school student how to put on a parachute as part of a salute to veterans event.

A Korean War Veteran is interviewed by a high school students as part of a school project.

A group of veterans carry flags in a July 4 ceremony.

Community volunteer for "Echo Taps".

A small New England town decorates the side walks with American flags on veteran's day.

A wreath lies on a bench in a village square waiting to be place ceremoniously upon a veterans memorial.

A child holds a sign of support for troops.

A group of veterans chat at a veterans memorial park in the village square of a small New England town.

A veteran sounds a bell on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.

The Patriot Riders, a group of veteran motorcycle riders form a line of flags as soldiers returning from Afghanistan depart their aircraft.

A couple reads names on a war memorial at a veterans cemetery

A child salutes during the National Anthem along with his veteran grandfather.

Veterans raise the flag on the morning of sept 11, 2015.

A group of veterans salute during a 9/11 remembrance ceremony.

The mother of a fallen soldier carries a christmas wreath that will be placed on his grave.

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